Thursday, February 02, 2006

Summer Camps

Does the prospect of having your child home for the ENTIRE summer send shivers down your spine? Now is the perfect time to start looking for a place to ship off the little darlings. You will be stunned by the variety and scope of some of the summer camps that are available.

In there a future Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers under your roof? Then dance camp may be for them. If you have the kind of child who beats up the kind of child who goes to dance camp, there is always brat camp.

Depending on your child, they may be a candidate for an adventure camp. These camps offer varying levels of challenge and different opportunities for the personal growth of your child. When looking for an adventure camp be realistic about your child's abilities. Don't put them in a situation that will lead to failure. A child 40 pounds overweight probably wouldn't be a good candidate for a rock climbing camp.

There are specialized camps that are geared towards the individual talents and desires of the kid. Do you have a budding thesbian? Then an acting camp may be perfect. Can't drag junior out of his room or get him offline, then a computer camp may be for him. Who knows, he could be the next Bill Gates.

All of the really great camps book up early and are not cheap. Still, we're talking your mental health here. Who can put a price on that?


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