Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Curtians and Blinds

One of the most amazing things about the internet is the vast wealth of information which is available for FREE. For example, say you’re looking for new blinds or curtains. Every manufacturer of blinds, curtains or other window coverings has a web page with some truly remarkable pictures and suggestions. On the flip side, there are tons of online retailers trying to sell you blinds and curtains that will offer comparisons and give you a good idea of what the true market price should be.

Granted it is hard, if not impossible to make a final decision on curtains or blinds based on a picture on your computer screen. However, you can use this information in two very useful ways. First, you can get a good idea of what you want and how much it will cost. Armed with this information you can visit the local Ye Olde Curtains & Blinds Boutique and see what you have in mind in person. This will keep you from getting snowed by a commission salesperson.

Next, if you find exactly what you want and can find it online you can often save money. The advantage here can go out the window if need to have someone install your new blinds or curtains. If this is the case, then you will need to do some leg work to get the best deal.

One important tip; always measure your windows twice. If you order online and give the wrong size, you own them. If you’re smart you will do the measuring with your significant other. If you’re afraid this could lead to a permanent termination of a relationship, most curtain and blinds shops will come out and measure for you. They will usually charge a small fee which will apply toward any purchase.

Good Shopping!

Morgan Jefferson

Reprinted with the Permission of the Author

Thursday, April 20, 2006

New Day Dawns

Not since Guttenberg, the printer not the actor from Police Academy movies, invented moveable type has there been a revolution on this scale. Thanks to the internet and powerful search tools such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, for the first time the knowledge of all of humanity is available in remote villages and at the top of skyscrapers.

What if you need something for the kitchen such as some new, very expensive cookware? And after you've finished cooking the perfect meal and you need the perfect wine, shop online.

Do you need information about the effectiveness and dangers on cleaning materials? Do you have something that needs to be repaired or a piece of antique furniture that needs to be restored? Go online.

Are you looking for items that are slightly off the beaten path such has aromatherapy candles? What if you want to know if there is a source for legal Cuban Cigars? The Web is the place to start.

Are you looking for information about installing space saving shelves in your garage? How about some great decorating idea and tips for making a Roman Shade? The internet is the perfect place to start your search.

Sometimes it is hard to absorb what is happening around you and it will take years before it finally sinks in. What a great time to be alive...and to have a high speed connection.

Friday, April 14, 2006


The weather is getting warmer so now is the right time to start thinking about your patio. or deck. After the trees have finished their spring pollen cycle – is the perfect time to get out the power washer to clean off the patio pad or get the slime off of your wooden deck. A bit of work can save you a season of heartache.

If you are new to the game or thinking about making some changes you’ve never tried; start with the internet. Do you need information on what chemicals or sealers to use to clean your deck or patio? You’ll find it online. Need some shopping tips or blue prints for a patio awning or a gazebo; surf the web.

If you’re willing to do a bit of research the internet can be an invaluable tool in more ways imaginable. It is a reliable source of unbiased information and not twisted by a sale person looking to make a commission. Be Smart. Be sure you get the same information from multiple sources and not just one. Using search engine such as Google, Yahoo and MSN will net you all the information you seek.

Say you’re looking for a deck cleaning materials. Go to the search engines and type “deck cleaning” Google has 13 million links; Yahoo has over 4 million and MSN nearly 2 million. Enough said.

Enjoy your deck or patio.

John Wilson, Relaxation King
Reprinted with permission of the Author

Monday, April 10, 2006


Say you have a broken fixture in your house. The big question is always do I attempt to repair it or simply replace it? The decision is usually determined by the nature of the fixture in question. Generally, a replacement is the obvious choice unless it is an antique or solid brass,

A replacement eliminates the hassle of rewiring or working with small, soft screws that are easy to lose or misplace. In most cases, replacement fixtures come with the correct hardware included and usually require little more that a screw driver to install.

Safety Tip. If you are changing anything electrical, be sure to trip the circuit breaker before you even consider reaching for your tools.